Friday, April 3, 2009

Put it into Practice


Matthew 7:24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built is house on the rock.


I think this one is pretty simple....When I read the word and hear God's voice I need to do what I have heard. I need to put into practice the things I read.


OK I am supposed to do what I hear. But my mind wants to hold me back. So for me I need to keep myself marinated in the word so that my thinking will be renewed-Romans 12:2. When the time comes that I am going to do what I heard, instead of my mind telling me that I am stupid for subjecting myself to "that", or that "that" would be a colossal waste of renewed mind will put into practice what I have heard. Jesus told me to love, give to the needy, to pray for others, to not judge and that if I do those HE sees my obedience and will reward me. The thing is I am not doing it for the reward, I'm doing because it to be obedient, to put into practice all the things I have heard.
Father, You have given me the words of life. I ask that my ears would be wide open to hear clearly from you, and that my mind would continue to be renewed to your way. My ways produce death and destruction, but you bring hope and life to those who accept it. I also ask that you would work with me in putting into practice all the words I hear from you. Regardless of what it looks like to this world, I want to put into practice the words you have given to me. Continue to make my heart one of obedience, bringing glory to your kingdom. Amen.

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