Monday, April 6, 2009

Freely Give


Matthew 10:8
"Freely you have received, freely give"


What a wonderful verse from a set of instructions Jesus is giving The Twelve right before they hit the road. I did NOTHING to deserve what I have received from God. He gave me the Faith to believe in him as well. I was sitting at a table with it completely empty. The table, my plate, my cup, my life. Empty. Jesus fights through opposition and finds me there. It's just Jesus and I-nothing else around. He asks me what I need. I need something to Jesus turns and when he turns back around his arms are full of food. What else do I need he asks? I need something to drink. He turns and then pours into my glass a water that ever refills itself after I drink. What else he asks? I need love I say. He reaches for me and touches me, and I am filled with a love I have never known.
Jesus has given me everything I need. He gave The Twelve everything they needed. So the question I have for myself is.....How have I given to others what Christ has given to me? How did I share the Love of Christ today? I don't have to go on a mission to do that. What about letting an extra person go ahead of you on the freeway, how about letting the person in the grocery store line, who looks like they have things for dinner in their cart, go ahead so they can get home sooner with their family, how about buying some of the groceries for the person ahead or behind you? How have I shown Hope to a dying world? Did I give some time to a worthy cause helping the needy, did I share Hope with a co-worker who is facing difficulties at home or did I just say "I'm sorry to hear that-I hope everything works out OK", because you didn't want to offend? My eyes have to be open to this today. The word has been injected into me, so I must do something with it. If I don't do something, if I don't do what the Bible tells me to do then I am as the Pharisees and Sadducee's and should be called a hypocrite for not doing what I have been called to do.
Father, You have given me everything, and because of your great love to me, you have shown me how I am to love others. I ask that you would assist me in showing your greatness to those who are dying. You have provided me with Love, Hope, Faithfulness, Goodness, Gentleness, Kindness, Peace, Patience and Self-Control before I even knew I needed them. You have given me YOU. Thank you for coming to me, empty and hopeless, and opening up your kingdom and passing all good things out to me. You didn't do that so I would have a Big Barn full of things, but rather us me as a vessel to show the world of your wonders. Help me to give, as you have given to me. Amen.

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