Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Who To Believe??

In talking to people, I have them tell or question me " You really believe that?", and then they go on to tell me their beliefs about (fill in the blank) relatives who are now angels living among them, that as long as they are good God would not punish them because a loving God would not send a good person to hell-look at everything I do and what I do for others. Have you talked to this person too? The scripture today talks directly about our own thoughts.

Romans 3:4 Let God be true, and every man a liar.

We humans tend to think we have all the answers. We are educated. We have split the atom. We won the debate. We have a Masters/PhD. We landed on the moon. Whatever. So we exalt ourselves as master/creator, and carry that self boasting around as a shield to the truth. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with accomplishments, nothing. But it is who and how I acknowledge that, which is a problem with us humans.

So what should I do? Let the Bible be the final say, not my thoughts and words. Many people call this being short-sighted, red-neck, prejudiced, old-fashioned but I call it being in line with the final authority-God. What does God say about us turning into angels/ghosts and returning to hang out in the living room with the living. Sorry to say the Bible says that is NOT what happens regardless of what I think, or what the Discovery Channel produces, or what a person has experienced.

With everything in my life, I need to compare it to what the Word of God says. Do some research and discover the truth because God is true, and I am not. So if you hear me stating an opinion, question me about it and make sure my thoughts and statements are true and not a lie made up by Warren.

Father I want truth in my life. Help me to know you more so I will know truth, and not be deceived by any lies from man. Amen.

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