Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year Inventory

Many businesses have an inventory either right at the end of, or the beginning of the new fiscal year. In my scripture reading today I am struck with the same thought; I need to inventory what I am doing and is it all bringing Glory to God. Let's go.
Romans 1 & 2
v. 12 "that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith".
v. 21 "for although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."
v. 25b "and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised"

v. 12 The scripture says that we are encouraged by each others faith! Straight up. It seems to me that in this wide-wind of a life we are part of that we need to make an appointment to see someone and then there must be a reason why we are making that appointment, and then the person on the other end may wonder why I have picked them to take this time out of they schedule, and how long is it going to take and, and, and, and...... Or what if I showed up at your door at 10AM and your hair was sticking up in the back and you were in pajama's.
What I see here is that I need to view each time I am with someone, whatever the reason and whenever it is, is that I need to welcome the time because I will be encouraged because of YOUR FAITH. Do I need to make an appointment to be encouraged? NO. When I say hi to you, and hear the joy in voice I need to be encouraged because God has carried you through a challenge, when we talk about our week I am encouraged because God has used you to show His kingdom in a dark world.
v. 21Where is my mind and my thinking? Where is my heart-in the light or darkness? Has my mind been renewed so I will think about hope, love, steadfastness, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, instead of things which are useless, ineffective, frivolous, unimportant or trifling? Have I trifled lately?? Huh. What type of light am I shining on heart? Am I shading or guarding it like a fool-from the truth, or am I being wise and keeping my heart wide open to watering, fertilizing, trimming and harvesting?
v25b Am I worshipping or serving created things, rather than the Creator? Certainly NOT, I have not built a golden calf or set up an idol in the middle of my living room. Maybe I should reconsider, before I speak so boldly.
If I have ever thought that getting together with someone was an "inconvenience" to my schedule, or "that the person just talked my ear off-I need to get home and check the turkey in the oven", or, or, fill in the blank. I need to accept the real truth and change my way of thinking to know that I can and will be encouraged because the faith I see and hear from you. Every person in my life who has faith in Jesus is like a generator to me, whether we "talk Jesus" or not. I need to plug in longer and more often to that mutual encouragement.
My thinking and heart will represent what I am feeding it. Am I feeding it the fresh, inspiring, never-changing, God-Breathed Word of God; or gossip from a phone call, TV propaganda from 8PM to 11PM, or the depressing news of the world? The answer is to keep renewing my mind with the freshness of God, in whatever way that comes. Through the mutual encouragement from a believer, from the Word, from the Holy Spirit speaking.
Am I worshipping created things? I am unemployed, so I think I am worshipping my job hunt. Why am I doing that? God will provide. What other worthless created things am I worshipping?
I will keep that question close, so I will not exchange the truth of God for a lie that this "other thing" is better than God taking care of me.
I don't like some of the inventory items I see in my life. But I thank God for showing me this inventory, because inventory can and will be changed.
Father, your word is so very clear as to how you have created things for us and the way we should use them to bring glory to you. I pray that you would help me to see each visit, each hello, each word, each thought, about a fellow believer to be one of encouragement and that any selfish thought would be casted aside, and that my heart and mind would continually be given to you for light and life, and in doing that that you would keep me from worshipping any created thing around me, and that my worship would only be to you. Thank you for your faithfulness in showing me the way to Life!

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