Monday, January 19, 2009

What to Wear Today?

When I got ready to leave the house today, I went to the closet and took inventory of what clothes were available for what task was to be done. Did I did a white dress shirt and tie for the business setting, or did I need a casual shirt and jeans to go to Target, or an older set of jeans and T-Shirt with paint on it so I could work outside. If you are like me, I really have too many clothes and thus 1000's of clothing combinations possible. In the scripture today, I will go to the closet of God and not find a white shirt but something else. Let's take a look.
Romans 13:14a Rather, clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
As I look at my clothes closet there should be ONE choice hanging there....the Lord Jesus Christ.
COACH, Calvin Klein, Armani, Acko, DC, Crew...what brand do of clothing is my favorite? I can't wear any designer stuff, so I just wear JC Penney!! :) But if I do inventory of how I am adorning myself I have to ask myself this question. What am I more concerned about, adorning this pile of dust with a COACH purse and shoes( I know I'm a guy and wouldn't do that but that seems to be the chic combination) or should my concern be clothing myself with the Lord Jesus Christ? My point is that I spend so much time and energy to make me look presentable to the public, but did I clothe myself with Christ today? And where were these clothes of the Lord Jesus Christ, were they right in front or were they behind a Gucci shirt? And how to I clothe myself in Christ? The answer for that is found in Romans chapter 12 and 13. It starts in Rms 12:9; Love, Hate evil, cling to good, be devoted to each other, be zealous, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer, bless others, don't be proud, don't take revenge, love your neighbor, love fulfills the law, be awake, put aside deeds of darkness behave decently. It is a great picture of the types of things we should be wearing. So if I am wearing Christ today, you should be able to see those clothes, thus you should see my life represented by things written in Romans 12-13. Let's go to the closet, and pick the One piece of clothing that TRULY is One Size Fits All!!!
Father, my closet is full of things that adorn this decaying body of flesh. I spent hours a day/week making it look good. Thank you for your word that clears shows me what to be truly clothed with, and that is Christ. I pray that you would help me each day to put on the covering that will truly protect me from life and that is Christ. Amen.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Throughout my life I have gotten caught up with the "achievement" part of life. Was I the most improved in my division, did I get the highest numbers, had I come up with a great idea that was being used throughout the company, etc. As those things happened, I have to be honest with you, the first thought was NOT what I read today in Romans. I have heard this, I have seen it but I have not practiced it. But the good news is that that is changing, and I am looking out of the windshield of life through God's perspective and not through the review mirror of regrets; lets see what the Bible says.
Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever!! Amen.
In reality I bring nothing and can do nothing without God.
The Bible says in Romans 9:21 "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" God created me the way I am for a purpose. Will it be a noble purpose or an every day purpose? Does it matter? No. We are om God's team, part of his family and everyone has a different set of skill sets. So what will I do today that will be for him, through him and to him, to bring him glory. I will go to work and be told I have done a wonderful job on that project, I will go to the store, I will greet people, I will sit in a warm house, I will enjoy a table full of food, I will laugh, I will cry; and all these things are from God to display God in this world.
It's a mind shift. The world has entire bookstore sections about self help. I just Google'd self help and there are 122 Million hits on that term. Wow. I need a lot less of me, and a lot more of God flowing through me. So whatever is done, I need to be reminded that that is FROM him, THROUGH him and TO him, and that to him all the glory goes.........FOREVER.
Father, All things are from you, through you and to you, and glory is your forever. Thank you for such an outpouring of yourself. Because you have released all things, I pray that as I use them, experience them, see them; that I would immediately recognize YOU for them and give you the praise for all things. Amen

Monday, January 12, 2009

Would YOU Pray for me?

There have been many times when I have been with another Christian and after sharing my heart and hurts have asked them to pray for me. Have you done that. God is very clear in His word that we are to pray, and to pray with and for each other. In the scripture today, God is bringing each of us a prayer partner; I think it's someone we should call.
Romans 8:34
34Christ Jesus, who died, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
The Bible God is seated in Heaven, and that Jesus is sitting at right side of God. But Jesus is not sitting there watching/waiting for me to sin, waiting to judge me; nope he is there to PRAY for me. Wow!
The Bible says that prayers are a sweet scent which are collected into a bowl, and God leans over the bowl to breath in the fragrance of His saints prayers. Imagine that scene.
So today, the Bible has told me that Jesus is interceding for me. Interceding. That is not a 10 second prayer "God bless the food-Amen", but Jesus is before God with me on his mind, with me and my life coming off his lips and interceding to the Father. Imagine the sweetness of Jesus's prayers, and how the Father looks forward to leaning over that bowl, holding His breath for a second and then taking a long full breath in through his nose. Awwwww. Smell that!! The freshness, the sweetness, the aroma.
When the enemy comes my way, when strength is needed, when my heart hurt, when the kids need protection, all I have to do is call on Jesus to also intercede for me. Just like calling your wife/friend/prayer partner and asking them if they "would PRAY for you?" Yes they will. But look who else is praying for me-The Saviour of the World.
Father, Thank you for Jesus being at your right hand and interceding for me. I ask that you would work in me to recognize Jesus as the only "real" pray partner I need. Amen.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Part of most jobs are the benefits. How much does the company contribute towards or do they pay the full price of all my benefits? From a single person up to a family of 12 benefits are something that has to be considered when evaluating a job. If two jobs are equal but one company pays 100% of all benefits and the other is an employee pay play, the decision would be easy; take the one with benefits keeping more money in your family's budget. Pretty common stuff. In the scripture today here is what I see....A Human Resource individual explaining what my benefits are.....let take a look.
Romans 6:2o-22
When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!
22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become servants to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
God has a great benefit plan
"Mr. Watson, I am here to go over your benefits package with you. There are two benefit packages. The first one many people chose. That package includes sin which ranges from pride and jealousy up to debauchery and impurity , being a servant to yourself, avoiding the things and voice of God, and not accepting the atonement sacrifice of Jesus to cover the sin. The benefit you receive from that is Eternal Death.
Now the second package is a popular one too. That package includes being free from sin, that is free from jealousy, immorality, pride and even fits of rage, serving others, being a servant to God, His voice and direction and accepting the atonement sacrifice of Jesus to free me from sin. Now the benefit of this package is Holiness....resulting in Eternal Life.
Mr. Watson, it is clear that Eternal Life is a better benefit than Eternal Death, but it is your choice. The time line to turn in your decision on your benefits package is, unfortunately a pretty short window of time. The Bible says "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" So before your life as a mist evaporates I'll need to know which package you are going to chose. Oh, one more thing that you may want to think about. The second benefit package is 100% free. It has been completely paid for.
Thanks for your time today. If you have any questions just ask The Father, he will gladly consult with you and give you the answer, but you will have to decide which benefit package you're taking".
Father, I choose your benefit package. Thank you that the price was paid for me in full, and I will never have to try to earn the benefits you are giving me. Amen.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What did I think about when I woke up this morning?

You may be like me( I really hope not though!) I woke up this morning with a list of things to do.
Go make coffee. Eat breakfast. Organize the day. When do I have to do what. Do I have anything out for dinner. Will I need to go to the store. What is going on tonight. Are there any appointments I need to be aware of. Just stuff bouncing around in the coconut like a ping pong ball about life. Being organized and on time are important and we do need to think about how our day/week is laid out in front of us, BUT in reading the scripture today I was struck with something else I should be thinking of foremost.
Romans 5:17B How much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.
I am saddened to say this, BUT when was the last time I really thought about God pouring, lavishing on me, His ABUNDANT PROVISION OF GRACE? It wasn't this morning when I thought about my racquetball challenge at 1 PM, or yesterday when I was sitting in the bank. What I am saying is that I need to make God's Grace and Gift of Righteousness to me foremost in my mind. Sure I believe it and would never question it, but I think I have made it "everyday" stuff. And that is sad. It is not "everyday" stuff. The God of the Universe has said to me, "Warren, you are a sinner but because I want you to know me and I want to be able to reveal myself to you I am going to do something for you. I am going to open up this nozzle and let my GRACE abundantly flow on you, over you, to fully consume you so we can have a relationship, and while I am doing that I am going to give you an additional gift, a gift of righteousness so we can spend time together, because I can't have anything unrighteous in my presence". That's just the beginning of what God has done for me, and I haven't thought about it for a while. Shame on me for allowing today's temporal passing thoughts to block out the thought that God Abundantly Provided me Grace and gave me the Gift of Righteousness. I think my first thoughts on the day should be to Thank God for His Provision, because without it I am but a charred person.
Father, Forgive me for not thinking about your great Provision and taking it for granted but I thank you that you have Abundantly Provided Grace to me, and given me the Gift of Righteousness. I ask that your Holy Spirit be a prod in my soul, to remind me about this wondrous gift and covering you have provided for me. Amen

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Who To Believe??

In talking to people, I have them tell or question me " You really believe that?", and then they go on to tell me their beliefs about (fill in the blank) relatives who are now angels living among them, that as long as they are good God would not punish them because a loving God would not send a good person to hell-look at everything I do and what I do for others. Have you talked to this person too? The scripture today talks directly about our own thoughts.

Romans 3:4 Let God be true, and every man a liar.

We humans tend to think we have all the answers. We are educated. We have split the atom. We won the debate. We have a Masters/PhD. We landed on the moon. Whatever. So we exalt ourselves as master/creator, and carry that self boasting around as a shield to the truth. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with accomplishments, nothing. But it is who and how I acknowledge that, which is a problem with us humans.

So what should I do? Let the Bible be the final say, not my thoughts and words. Many people call this being short-sighted, red-neck, prejudiced, old-fashioned but I call it being in line with the final authority-God. What does God say about us turning into angels/ghosts and returning to hang out in the living room with the living. Sorry to say the Bible says that is NOT what happens regardless of what I think, or what the Discovery Channel produces, or what a person has experienced.

With everything in my life, I need to compare it to what the Word of God says. Do some research and discover the truth because God is true, and I am not. So if you hear me stating an opinion, question me about it and make sure my thoughts and statements are true and not a lie made up by Warren.

Father I want truth in my life. Help me to know you more so I will know truth, and not be deceived by any lies from man. Amen.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year Inventory

Many businesses have an inventory either right at the end of, or the beginning of the new fiscal year. In my scripture reading today I am struck with the same thought; I need to inventory what I am doing and is it all bringing Glory to God. Let's go.
Romans 1 & 2
v. 12 "that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith".
v. 21 "for although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."
v. 25b "and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised"

v. 12 The scripture says that we are encouraged by each others faith! Straight up. It seems to me that in this wide-wind of a life we are part of that we need to make an appointment to see someone and then there must be a reason why we are making that appointment, and then the person on the other end may wonder why I have picked them to take this time out of they schedule, and how long is it going to take and, and, and, and...... Or what if I showed up at your door at 10AM and your hair was sticking up in the back and you were in pajama's.
What I see here is that I need to view each time I am with someone, whatever the reason and whenever it is, is that I need to welcome the time because I will be encouraged because of YOUR FAITH. Do I need to make an appointment to be encouraged? NO. When I say hi to you, and hear the joy in voice I need to be encouraged because God has carried you through a challenge, when we talk about our week I am encouraged because God has used you to show His kingdom in a dark world.
v. 21Where is my mind and my thinking? Where is my heart-in the light or darkness? Has my mind been renewed so I will think about hope, love, steadfastness, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, instead of things which are useless, ineffective, frivolous, unimportant or trifling? Have I trifled lately?? Huh. What type of light am I shining on heart? Am I shading or guarding it like a fool-from the truth, or am I being wise and keeping my heart wide open to watering, fertilizing, trimming and harvesting?
v25b Am I worshipping or serving created things, rather than the Creator? Certainly NOT, I have not built a golden calf or set up an idol in the middle of my living room. Maybe I should reconsider, before I speak so boldly.
If I have ever thought that getting together with someone was an "inconvenience" to my schedule, or "that the person just talked my ear off-I need to get home and check the turkey in the oven", or, or, fill in the blank. I need to accept the real truth and change my way of thinking to know that I can and will be encouraged because the faith I see and hear from you. Every person in my life who has faith in Jesus is like a generator to me, whether we "talk Jesus" or not. I need to plug in longer and more often to that mutual encouragement.
My thinking and heart will represent what I am feeding it. Am I feeding it the fresh, inspiring, never-changing, God-Breathed Word of God; or gossip from a phone call, TV propaganda from 8PM to 11PM, or the depressing news of the world? The answer is to keep renewing my mind with the freshness of God, in whatever way that comes. Through the mutual encouragement from a believer, from the Word, from the Holy Spirit speaking.
Am I worshipping created things? I am unemployed, so I think I am worshipping my job hunt. Why am I doing that? God will provide. What other worthless created things am I worshipping?
I will keep that question close, so I will not exchange the truth of God for a lie that this "other thing" is better than God taking care of me.
I don't like some of the inventory items I see in my life. But I thank God for showing me this inventory, because inventory can and will be changed.
Father, your word is so very clear as to how you have created things for us and the way we should use them to bring glory to you. I pray that you would help me to see each visit, each hello, each word, each thought, about a fellow believer to be one of encouragement and that any selfish thought would be casted aside, and that my heart and mind would continually be given to you for light and life, and in doing that that you would keep me from worshipping any created thing around me, and that my worship would only be to you. Thank you for your faithfulness in showing me the way to Life!