Monday, November 8, 2010

Do It

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do What It Says!

Went to church on Sunday; sat in the nice soft theater seats, felt the warmth of the HVAC in the air, people around me smelled good, everyone's hair was nicely styled, we sang, said "Hi" to a couple of people and then listened to the 30 minute sermon. It was a "nice" time. BUT in reading the scripture today, if I don't do something about the word I heard yesterday, then I have deceived myself. I can't just feel good about my Sunday ritual, I need to do what the Bible is telling me to do.

What is the application then? Specifics.....I think that will be different every day, depending on the word that I have heard or read. I guess today this verse has put me on alert status. The Bible says says in Timothy that people only want to hear what their "itching ears want to hear". They have no intention of putting it into practice. Hypocrite! So my alert status from James is that when I hear and read the word, the first response should be.."Father, what does that look like, how can I practice that, how I can I show that to a broken, depraved world?"

Father, Thank you for your word; to show me the way, to lead me into truth and to remind me that it is not just for reading but a reminder of what I need to be doing. Amen.

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