Monday, August 17, 2009

For the NAME

Acts 5:41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

All the apostles had been jailed, put through a mini-trial, FLOGGED, then released. Think about it, they were flogged((v. t.) To beat or strike with a rod or whip; to whip; to lash; to chastise with repeated blows), then they rushed back out, as a group, into the temple courts yelling, whooping it up, high 5'ing each other, so they could begin again to proclaim the Name of Jesus to everyone out there.

The question I have for myself is.....What am I going to do for the NAME of Jesus today? I probably will not be put into jail, set free from jail by angels, captured again, beaten with leather and metal whips, and then released. BUT somewhere, somehow, I need to let the world know about the NAME of Jesus. What the NAME has done in my life! What will it be, I need to be alert and ready when the Holy Spirit prompts me......just obey.

Father, The Name of Jesus is worth rejoicing over. Help me in every action and deed to represent the Name of Jesus, for what that Name means in my life. I ask that you would open up opportunities for me to share the Name of Jesus with the broken world. To speak life and hope to them, and when they hear about the Name, I ask that the power of the Name would break through the hardness in hearts and begin to set people free from sin and death. Amen.

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