Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who Me?

Matthew 14:16 Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat".
The Bible has just told me in Matt 13 that I have been given the secrets and mysteries to the Kingdom of God. So here Jesus is telling me not to send the needy away, that I need to give them something to eat.
I know this scripture could have lots of interpretations, but the Holy Spirit is telling me today that something has been given to me....I have been given Christ, I have been given Faith to believe in Christ, I have been given all good things, I have been given direction by the Holy Spirit, I have been given a relationship the God Almighty and this scripture tells me to "give" the needy something they need. It is not up to me to call my pastor or church( I'm not saying that that wouldn't be necessary at times) or an agency to help someone, but I need to give what I have been given. So how do I do that? I need to be responsive to the Holy Spirit promptings, and give when it looks like there is no way to give, as was the short sightedness of the disciples,.."We only have 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes!!!"(What shall we do????-Warren Paraphrased). So whatever someone needs today Jesus has told me..."You give them something"....that is what I must to because what would happen to the world if I lived out the words of Christ, instead of just reading them. What If I...........................
Father, you have given me all things and they are not for me to put into my safe storehouse to protect from this ugly sinful world. But rather you have told me to give them away, that the needy really don't need to go anywhere but here, because you have called me to be a distributor of your eternal goods. I pray that you would help me to keep the warehouse open, that I would not be a collector but rather a exporter of all things. I ask that my eyes and ears be open to those in need, and how I can give them....with what you have given me. Amen.

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