Thursday, February 5, 2009


Isn't it nice when someone brings you something? Many times it is a surprise, but even if it is not, it is special to receive a gift/token/spoken word. Today, the scripture tells me about something that was brought. Let's take a look.
1 Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.
Look what was brought to God by Christ-ME.
In this crazy, got to run around, get ahead of everyone else, make a name for yourself world Jesus has come so he could bring me to God. The Bible. 1 Corinthians 6:20 tells me that I was bought with a price and that price was the body of Christ. So not only did Christ pay for my sins, but I am so important to God that in paying for me, Jesus also has taken me to God. I am not left in "the store" paid for, but I am picked up and taken to the Throne of God. The conversation may go something like this: "Father, I paid for this but it is such a special gift that I wanted to bring it straight to your Throne, so as my special gift to you I bring and give to you Warren Watson". Wow. Does that show how much God really loves me and how He looks at me? God is not sitting in heaven waiting for me to sin, so He can punish me (many people think just that, that God is just waiting to club them in the back of the head), but rather He takes me in as an righteous person and we will speak with each other to deepen the love for each other. So not only have I been bought with a price, but also Brought straight to God.
Thank you for the sacrifice of Christ for purchasing my life. Because of the work of Christ, I have been brought to you. Thank you for such an intimate relationship. Amen.

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