Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who Am I?

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Yesterday, there was endless news play of the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and the upcoming Royal wedding. Why? Because Prince William is royalty. Guess what. Every person who is a believer in Christ is royalty. Comparing royalties, which one would I rather be in; God's Royal Family, or Britian's Royal Family. Absolutely God's. So in 1 Peter 2:9 when it says that I was a Chosen People(me!!!), I am Royalty(me!!), God's Special Possession(How do you treat your most special possessions?), I need to absolutely believe that.

Some days I don't feel like royalty, I don't feel special. But what is the truth? Am I part of the royal priesthood or not? The Bible says I am so I am. The Bible also says that the devil is the father of lies, and he is wanting me to believe a lie that I am not chosen, or part of the royal priesthood, or God's most special possession. So those times/days when I don't "feel" like royalty, I need to turn to God's word and see/hear/believe the truth.

Father, you chosen me to be your special possession, forgive me for not absolutely believing that because of how I "feel" sometimes. Your word is absolute truth and I believe that over any lie I may hear. Help my eyes and ears see and hear who you constantly declare me to be. Amen.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas Goats from World Vision

Dear Friend,

I hope this finds you blessed.

For the third year in a row, I am gathering funds to purchases goats through World Vision, for Christmas Gifts for the needy.
The Bible is very clear about our responsibility to the needy. In James 1:27a it says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows". It is telling us to look out for those in need. The Bible also says not to just listen and read what it says, BUT TO DO WHAT IT SAYS.

So lets do it!!!! There are 1000's of people in need around the world, where a pair of goats would substantially better their life. I am attaching an article from World Vision on how a goat changed one child's life.

Goats nourish hungry children and families with healthy milk, cheese, and yogurt. Goats also give a much-needed income boost by providing offspring and extra dairy products for sale at the market.

A healthy dairy goat can give up to 16 cups of milk a day. Goat milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk and is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients that growing children need. Goats are practical animals — flourishing in harsh climates while producing valuable manure to fertilize crops and vegetable gardens.

Teopista, an AIDS orphan and World Vision-sponsored child in Uganda, is proud of her first gift ever — two donated goats that will help provide her with a brighter future. “I was very happy when I got the goats,” says the 10-year-old. “They will be of use to us. We will get money from them. I thank World Vision for thinking about me, too.”

Her aunt Restetuta feels the same way. “When the goats give birth again, we will sell off some of the younger [goats],” says Restetuta. “We will use the money to buy Teopista a school uniform, books, and beddings. We can also buy food with some of the money. I thank World Vision so much for all the help they have given us … we know that those goats will be of benefit to us in future.”

Each goat is only $75.00. Goats are given to families in twos. Goats are such a blessing for the needy, as they can breed them-sell them for more money for the family, milk, fertilizer for their gardens, etc. I understand that many people may find $75.00 a real stretch. AND that is completely understood. But here is the power in coming together as a large group. If you can not buy a whole goat, then maybe you can do a little and contribute 1/2 or 1/4. That's what we did last year. And with lots of people buying portions of a goat, coming together we can buy many goats, you'll be a part of something that you could not have done individually. All contributions will be documented in your name, so you get the 2010 tax deduction. Write all checks out to World Vision.

My address is:
Warren Watson
10716 Sierra Dr. E.
Puyallup, WA 98374

So whatever you can send....THANK YOU. We can change a person, a family and maybe even a community, by blessing them with a goat. I will keep everyone up to date on how many goats we have purchased. Two years ago we all were able to purchase 32 goats.

I have attached a funny video which World Vision produced about Bruce the Goat.

God Bless,


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wpna49 has shared a video with you on YouTube:

Bruce the Goat - World Vision Smiles

What are you going to get for Christmas?
Maybe you could cheer Bruce up?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Do It

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do What It Says!

Went to church on Sunday; sat in the nice soft theater seats, felt the warmth of the HVAC in the air, people around me smelled good, everyone's hair was nicely styled, we sang, said "Hi" to a couple of people and then listened to the 30 minute sermon. It was a "nice" time. BUT in reading the scripture today, if I don't do something about the word I heard yesterday, then I have deceived myself. I can't just feel good about my Sunday ritual, I need to do what the Bible is telling me to do.

What is the application then? Specifics.....I think that will be different every day, depending on the word that I have heard or read. I guess today this verse has put me on alert status. The Bible says says in Timothy that people only want to hear what their "itching ears want to hear". They have no intention of putting it into practice. Hypocrite! So my alert status from James is that when I hear and read the word, the first response should be.."Father, what does that look like, how can I practice that, how I can I show that to a broken, depraved world?"

Father, Thank you for your word; to show me the way, to lead me into truth and to remind me that it is not just for reading but a reminder of what I need to be doing. Amen.