Friday, February 26, 2010

Matthew 15:34-36
"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked.
"Seven," they replied, "and a few small fish." 35He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. 36Then he took the seven loaves and the fish.

In reading this, ONE thing occurs to me.....the disciples had 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish.
What did Jesus take from them? All of it.

What is Jesus asking of me? Let's think about tithing. God has asked for us to return just 10% of the 100% He has given us, that's small compared to ALL. The question must be asked....What would I do if Jesus came to the door and asked how much money and food I had, and I told him, and he said "Great" and came in and took it ALL. How would I react? Would I be grateful that I am able to contribute to the Kingdom of God, or freaked out about what I was going to do about money and food? And there in lies the key....who am I relying on? Or how about this? Why don't I just give my ALL to Jesus instead of Him having to come and take it!!! My abilities alone or trust the Father to supply what I need because I have given all? Psalms 121:1 tells me that my Help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. The last question that has to be answered is...Have I given it ALL?

Father, You gave me your ALL, your Son; you opened up heaven for me. I ask that you take away all the selfish compartments I have in my life, so that I will willingly give you my all. I don't want to be like the disciples who didn't offer their ALL first, I want you to have my ALL, for it is in You that I trust. Amen.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Who's In My House?

Matthew 12:43-44
43"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."

This portion of scripture really spoke to me and prompted me to review my own house. There are many rooms in a house and each needs to be occupied, or it gets taken over. Have you ever noticed a closet that doesn't get used to much, and then you open it and there are spider webs in the corners, dead bugs laying around? A look at this scripture and it is clear that if my house(my life, my heart, my soul, my being) are not occupied by God, then drastic take over of my house will happen.

So the question today is "What or Who is Occupying my Entire House?" When I accepted Christ I was made clean, my "house"(life) was cleared of all the garbage, but have I let Christ into all the rooms of my life, or am I still trying to keep one of them as my man cave, one where I still control the "type of carpet, the decor, the furniture", or is it unoccupied because I will get to that room some day. In this scripture, Christ is telling me that He needs to occupy all the rooms of my house, or my final condition may be worse then when I started. That's a warning I need to heed to and get straight.

Father, I give you all the rooms of my life, come occupy them all and have your way in each of them. Amen.