Looking into some data, it appears that we can survive anywhere from 4-6 weeks without food, and in normal temperature situations about 10 days without water.
John 21:12
Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast"
Answer honestly, how are your eating habits? The nutritional guru's say that we should eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day. In reality what do we do? Grab a cup of coffee, with a granola bar, maybe eat lunch if not caught up in some intense immediate business need, and plob down with some type of casserole for dinner. The 4th meal is a plate of cookies, piece of pie, a bowl of ice cream before we go to bed! Do your meals sound anything like mine? That has not made me healthy. But if I would eat more natural foods, vegetables and fruits more often, along with some protein my body would be stronger and run better. Jesus has invited me to come and have breakfast, but what type of breakfast am I having with him?
Jesus told me in John 7:38 that by believing in him I would have living water flow within me. He told me in John 6:68 that his words are eternal life. In John 6:48 he proclaims that He is the bread of life. As I stated in the opening, I am able to "survive" for a certain period of time without food, but do I just want to survive or do I want to thrive. Maybe there should be a show called "The Thriver", someone who is the most balanced, healthiest, etc. I think we all want to thrive, but do I feed myself enough to thrive. Spiritually speaking. Do I get my 4-6 meals a day? Or am I surviving more on my one meal a week plan. I've even had a Christian tell me that they did not need to go to church or read the word because they've heard it before and would not learn anything new. They are really stretching the 4-6 weeks without food.
Am I regularly partaking from the Bread of Life, or am I eating off some Wonder Bread from the day old store? Am I picking up the pitcher which has living water in it, and pouring the fresh, clear, eternal water into a glass or am I going to the back yard with my pail and dipping it into a green pond? Really. Think about what your spiritual eating habits are? Am I feeding my spirit with worthless and harmful nutrients, or am I frequently sitting down with Jesus, as he calls me come sit with him, and consuming the fullness of His Bread and the wonder of His Living Water?
Father, You sent Jesus for my survival, but not just survival but to thrive. I pray that you would help me today to make the right choices with my spiritual eating habits. You have provided me with the Bread of Life and Living Water, but sometimes I want to rewrite the menu and fill it in with things that "look or sound good". May my taste buds continue to be refined that your Bread of Life and Living Water will be all I desire. Amen.